Sunday, January 31, 2010
1st class
my first class,
wow so many hot chick there..
but what ever , i came here not for fun ,
no money dah beb
study n study
1st class already had group assingment project,,hahahaha
eventually my luck is good
i had 5 person in a group n all are international student,
n most of all all girl,,, kafufufufuuf
P/s : last sem,,need to concentrate...kafufufufufuf
Thursday, January 28, 2010
tension, penat , happy, kenyang, n so on
meet some f****g people,
if they are polite,
than it's ok le,
but what the hell,
the thing had done well,
im so happy as feather,
last trimester in MMU,
p/s: no money no education,
no smoke no weed ,
Larc en ciel - Bless Jp n English lyric
Words & music : hyde
Arranged by L’Arc-en-Ciel, Hajime Okano and Daisaku Kume
kimi he to yume wa ima
tooi chiheisen he mukai yasashii ude kara
zutto kakete ki ta n da ne
saisho wa chiisai hohaba de
hitotsu hitotsu fu o susume
furimukeba nagai ashiato
igandete mo massugu
You have come a long way
Everything is for today
kimi he to yume wa ima me no mae de kiramei teru
hanabira no mai furu you na yuki ga shukufuku shi ta
hanabanashii kisetsu mo yokome ni sugisari
tameiki shiroku tsui te
mayottari mo shi takedo
shinto haritsumeta fuukei
kodou wa kou nari o oboe
afureru omoi wa kono shunkan o mukaeru
Everything is for today
sora he to kane no oto ga toki o tsuge narihibiku yo
tsubasa hiroge tobitatte yuku kimi ni shukufuku are
omoi o nose kimi wa kon daichi o keru
kokoro hitotsu yorokobi mo kanashimi mo zenbu tsumekonde
kimi he to yume wa ima me no mae de kiramei teru
hanabira no mai furu you na yuki ga shukufuku shi ta
Music/Lyrics : hyde
The dream is now to you.
ran from a gentle arms all the time toward the far-off horizon.
At first, by a small step the footprint which is long if I step one by one
and turn around
I am honest even if warped
You have come a long way
Everything is for today
the dream is now to you.
it glitters in front of eyes
the snow danced and waved of the petal blessed you
it’s passed in a season by looking askance at
a sigh was white and arrived and was at a loss
silently tense scenery
the thought the beating learns a high rumble,
and to overflow meets this moment
Everything is for today
the bell resounds to the sky and tell time
bless you flying away with opened wings
you kick the earth now with your thoughts
all pack it with both the one heart joy and the sorrow
the dream is now to you glitters in front of eyes
the snow danced and waved of the petal blessed you
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
finally Larc en ciel new single BLESS 2010.01.27

02 - BLESS -Concerto-
03 - ROUTE 666 -2010-
04 - BLESS (hydeless version)
finally larc en ciel new single is on air
lovely and cool song,,,daisuki larc en ciel
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
happy B'day
selamat hari jadi, moga panjang umo,
hap2 day2
from your older and 1st son,
Monday, January 18, 2010
My worse dayza
today is my worse case,
life is no fare to me,
starting from today morning,
been cut by sharp knight at my left hand due to miss untouched,
not that all, my day get even worse, cannot withdraw money from bank..
what the hell,,shit !!!
now today im stuck at my room,
playing larc en ciel bass tab ( good morning hide)
no ending to my worse day, no good charming day or what ever,
"yes everything is an imagination" - maybe,possibly, usually, shit!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
10 Day to go
sad day
so sad,,,like to shoot the coach with the bullet that call "tembakan kesedaran"
lost in the bet with friend,,,,huhuhu,,,
p/s : dont ever gamble if you are not confident,,keh2 ^_^
why is this important, today right now gold is determine by a pieces of paper
right now the paper money is been manipulate by the US situation,
as far as i seen today, in US the paper money been print unpredictable meaning that the value for paper money is not likely been adjust to the gold anymore.
change to gold , life you know will change ....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Girl ,,GIrl n Girl
kalo nak di ikutkan hati mmmm,, ntah la masing2 punya diri ,masing punya dosa la,,,
korang tanggung le ,,,
Example cam dlm paper metro
Tak kan la pompuan tak leh fikir kut,,,bukannya tak ada akai atau otak,,bengong betui,
laki2 zaman sekarang ni dah lain,,,mentality dah "cool",
yg baik dikata jahat, yg jahat dikata elok,
sadih gadis sekarang,
p/s = kenai dulu betui2 , bak kata aden la , biar bertahun lamanya tapi keserasian tu mesti ada,baru la aman daman hidup bersuami isteri or couple,
jgn mudah percaya kata2 manis nescaya anda ter'kena'.
hahahaha ^_^
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
harsh day,,,
lost in the field ,,
need some injection to refill my energy back in the top shape,,,
weed,, cocaine, n what ever thing la,,,that can make my head spin ,,hahaha,
Friday, January 8, 2010
lost in happiness
today i lost my happiness due to my young brother,
today i saw him, lot of happiness n enjoyable,
i had more smile today,,,
i never seen him smile n today it prove that our relationship is still strong,
good luck my bro n may the force be with you my bro
from your older giler brother,,
Thursday, January 7, 2010
8.1.09 - happy day
dont now what to do and still searching for the real me..
my life full of darkness, are i will get forgiveness from the almighty,
who know,
still be here forever n ever.
larc en ciel - bless video
fucking believe it,, shit ,,,
just getting started
i must admit, for long2 day, i want to do it , but mmm want to said la kan,, malas
my life full of enjoy n entertainment,
no need for internet n internet.....
just full of gaduh2 n fighting2 ,,
seek for tha truth n the right honor ,
mess with me you will never be the same as before....
p/s: just getting started n need some f*****G time